Friday, January 2, 2015

^&@%!^#%!%$ Banks (how they rip us off *more* with credit cards)

I made the mistake of missing my payment date for my TD credit card.  As I was looking at the deadline I wondered how can I minimise the amount of interest I will have to pay.  So I decided to call the bank and ask how interest was applied.  Here's the info, once again in the bank's favour.

Interest is charged on all of the charges on your statement up until you pay it.   This makes *some* sense to me.  The real rip off to consumers is that interest is charged from the date of  first transaction for all of your transactions!!!  What does this mean, here's an example:

1  Nov 11 charge of $10
2. Dec 30 charge of $3000
I missed the payment date so now I'm being charged at least 20% interest. So if I pay it on Jan 11 I will be charged 2 months interest on $3100 (Nov 11-Jan 11)  Even though I only effectively borrowed the $3000 for 11 days I am charged 2 months worth of interest.  

This is just another reason to pay your bills on time, maybe even auto payments, give them fewer chances to rip us off.